Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Tina+Dan | Engaged

Dan and Tina live in L.A. and we met over the phone last year. Dan is a no nonsense kinda guy when it comes to making decisions (he is a TOTAL nonsense kinda guy in everything else, as you'll see in a minute) so they booked me right then. They were coming in at Christmas so we planned to do their engagement session then. And lucky for us we had the crazy warm winter, so that made a late December outdoor session fabulous.
I met Tina and Dan in person at the Muny and I was introduced to their fun and silly antics for the next few hours as we traipsed through Forest Park and the Central West End. I was also a witness to Tina's cupcake obsession when we stumbled on The Cup and had to go in for a taste. And some photos too, of course. They are delish BTW, just in case you wondered.
I actually just photographed their amazing wedding last weekend and I can't wait to post it. It was simply perfect for these two quirky amazing people. But that's all I'm going to say on that...for now. Now, enjoy some images....

Can you see the excitement on her face? This was legit. Totally for realzies.
 They had these cupcakes at their wedding. :)

 Dan was full of ideas...including being very VERY romantic...by the trash can sign.

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